jOurney to Ghana
Harambee International Development created a journey to Ghana to explore the history, people, culture food and scenic beauty of this great land. The $5,500+ cost to go to Ghana from September 14-26, 2025, includes airfare, breakfast meals, hotels and tours of three major areas in Ghana. The tour will be by air condition motor coach, with expert guides and the best hotels in each area visited. The Journey is limited to the first 20 people to pay costs. See Ghana Flyer for general information.

Connect With Us

Uganda Micro-Finance Loan Recipients from a Women’s Economic Conference in Soroti Uganda
Harambee International Development Corporation
P. O. Box 142
Alexandria, Virginia 22313
(571) 216-2762
Harambee International Development Corporation (HIDC) is a recognized as a charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501 (C) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code or corresponding provisions of any future federal tax code laws to provide people of various nations with a holistic approach to health, religion, and education, social, economic, and agricultural development from a humanitarian and cultural perspective.

Our Purpose
HIDC’s primary purpose is to improve the quality of life and promote self-sufficiency for low- and no-income individuals and communities. Harambee is a Swahili word for “pulling or working together.” HIDC’s focus is on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Agri-Business, Micro-Credit, Health and Nutrition and Education. The strength of HIDC is its ability to develop close working relationships with the local community and national government leaders to aid in delivery of humanitarian services and economic development. HIDC activities shall include but are not limited to the establishment and building of communities for low income and no income people in the continent of Africa (e.g. Uganda, Ghana, South Africa), Eastern Caribbean (e.g. St. Kitts) and South America (e.g. Brazil) and other sovereign nations throughout the world; or as designated by a majority of the Board of Directors. HIDC shall also serve as an advocate, organizer, planner, developer, and manager of community health, educational enhancement through cultural immersion experiences, and economic development initiatives with the advice and consent of the people of the sovereign nation and its government.